
Hey Good Lookin’: A Country Classic with a Quick Wit
Hank Williams’ “Hey Good Lookin'” isn’t just a catchy tune, it’s a piece of country music history. Recorded in 1951, the song remains a signature piece for Williams and a staple of the genre. Let’s dive into the story behind this playful, enduring hit.

Inspiration in the Airplanes

The song’s origin story is as quick as its writing. While on a plane ride in 1951, Williams, known for his prolific songwriting, was sharing a trip with fellow musician Little Jimmy Dickens. Dickens, then an aspiring star, was lamenting the lack of a hit song. Williams, ever the supportive friend, reportedly declared that Dickens needed a song, and within 20 minutes on that flight, “Hey Good Lookin'” was born. There’s even a claim from Dickens that Williams believed a song “ain’t worth writing” if it couldn’t be crafted in that short timeframe.

A Borrowed Title, a Unique Delivery

The title itself wasn’t entirely original. A 1942 Cole Porter song from the Broadway musical “Something for the Boys” shared the same name. However, Williams’ version took the concept in a completely different direction. Where Porter’s song was sophisticated and playful, Williams injected his signature country twang and a touch of double entendre. The lyrics, while undeniably flirtatious, used clever wordplay related to cooking (“How ’bout cookin’ somethin’ up with me?”) that became a hallmark of the song.

Instant Hit, Lasting Legacy

Released as a single in 1951, “Hey Good Lookin'” became another smash hit for Williams. It topped the country charts and even crossed over to pop audiences. The song’s success wasn’t limited to Williams’ career. It was quickly covered by other country artists like Tennessee Ernie Ford and even found renditions in the burgeoning rock and roll scene with artists like Piano Red. “Hey Good Lookin'” transcended genre, becoming a party favorite and a testament to Williams’ songwriting ability.

A Song for All Occasions

Today, “Hey Good Lookin'” remains a beloved classic. Its simple, catchy melody and playful lyrics make it a guaranteed dance floor filler at country functions. Its cultural impact is undeniable, referenced in movies and television shows. In 2001, the song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, solidifying its place in musical history. The next time you hear those opening lines, “Hey, good lookin’ what you got cookin’?” remember the story behind the song – a quick burst of inspiration on a plane ride that turned into a country standard.
