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Don’t Get Caught by Runaround Sue: The Story of a Doo-Wop Anthem (1961)
“Runaround Sue,” a catchy rock and roll tune tinged with doo-wop harmonies, became a smash hit in 1961. But the story behind the song is as interesting as the music itself.

Dion, the artist behind the iconic track, had just broken up with his doo-wop group, the Belmonts. Fueled by heartbreak and creativity, Dion started crafting the song at a friend’s party. He improvised lyrics about a disloyal lover named Sue, fueled by the rhythmic clapping of the partygoers. The catchy melody and relatable theme took shape with the help of songwriter Ernie Maresca.

Dion then discovered a new vocal group, the Del-Satins, who helped him rehearse the song. The track landed in the ears of Gene Schwartz, co-owner of Laurie Records, who was instantly hooked. “Runaround Sue” was recorded in the summer of 1961 at Bell Sound Studios in New York City.

The song became a chart-topping sensation, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Dion’s soulful vocals and the infectious doo-wop harmonies captured the hearts of teenagers across America. “Runaround Sue” wasn’t just a hit, it became a cultural touchstone. The song’s playful warning about a two-timing girl resonated with young audiences, solidifying its place in rock and roll history.

There’s a bit of mystery surrounding the inspiration for Sue’s character. While Dion’s wife’s name was Susan, he has offered conflicting stories about the song’s muse. In some accounts, Sue was a girl he admired from afar, while others suggest the name simply fit the melody.

Regardless of its inspiration, “Runaround Sue” remains a timeless classic. So, put on your dancing shoes and crank up the volume. Just remember, if you hear a girl named Sue coming your way, proceed with caution!
